
编辑:佚名 日期:2023-04-26 10:52 / 人气:




结论的作用其实就是对结果与讨论部分(Results & Discussion)中所形成的主要论点的精炼和罗列。

结论部分是SCI论文中最好写的一个部分,说白了就是我们小学时候就学过的“缩写”!缩写什么?缩写的就是结果与讨论部分(Results & Discussion)每一个小标题下的内容,通常的结构是先来一个“小帽子”,再把主要结论逐一列出,具体如下:

小帽子:对研究背景、研究内容和研究方法的进行一个概述,相当于对材料与方法部分的缩写。最后来一句:The main findings are as follows或者Main conlusions can be drawn from this work, as follows,逐条引出结论





The main findings of the paper are as follows:

Main conlusions can be drawn from this work, as follows,

The conclusions are summarized as follows,

The following conclusions may be drawn from the experimental results:

These results could also be

Based on these experimental results, the main conclusion can be summarized as follows.



总体上看推荐模仿论文1-4的Conclusion写作结构, 论文5-6需要较高的写作技巧,有一定基础后再进行尝试

[1]Zhang Z , Zhang W , Ma X , et al. Effects of GDI injector deposits on spray and combustion characteristics under different injection conditions[J]. Fuel, 2020, 278:118094.


结论第一段为小帽子,简要回顾了一下本文的研究内容和演技方法,随后分为5条结论,分别对应Results & Discussion部分的6个小节,其中就3.3和3.4的研究内容进行了合并。

[2]Wang Q , Yin S , Ni J . The effects of n-pentanol, di-n-butyl ether (DBE) and exhaust gas recirculation on performance and emissions in a compression ignition engine[J].Fuel, 2021, 284:118961.


结论第一段为小帽子,简要回顾了下本文的研究背景、研究内容和研究方法,随后分为6条结论,分别对应Results & Discussion部分的4个小节,其中就3.1和3.2均被拆成两条结论。

[3]Shang W , Yu X , Shi W , et al. Effect of exhaust gas recirculation and hydrogen direct injection on combustion and emission characteristics of a n-butanol SI engine[J].International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2020, 45( 35):17961-17974.


结论第一段为小帽子,简要回顾了下本文的研究内容和研究目标,随后分为5条结论,其中最后一条为对核心结论的精炼,另外4条分别对应Results & Discussion部分的2个小节,前两条是关于燃烧特性的,后两条是关于排放特性的。


[4]Zhang Z , Liu X , Liu H , et al. Effect of soybean oil/PODE/ethanol blends on combustion and emissions on a heavy-duty diesel engine[J].Fuel, 2020, 288:119625.


结论第一段为小帽子,简要回顾了下本文的研究内容和研究方法,随后分为3条结论,分别对应Results & Discussion部分的3个小节,最后一段对核心结论进行精炼的同时,提出了下一阶段研究展望。

[5]Hu J , Li J , Hu Z , et al. Power distribution strategy of a dual-engine system for heavy-duty hybrid electric vehicles using dynamic programming[J].Energy, 2020, 215.



[6]Wang Y , Wang J , Hao C , et al. Characteristics of instantaneous particle number (PN) emissions from hybrid electric vehicles under the real-world driving conditions[J].Fuel, 2021, 286:119466.


结论第一段为小帽子,简要回顾了下本文的研究内容,随后分为5段结论,其中第二段主要与Results & Discussion部分的3.1小节对应,后面四段分别对应Results & Discussion部分的3.2小节下面的四个小标题。

做这些的初衷就是:经常有一些师弟师妹们向我咨询:如何写一篇SCI?我个人是比较反感这样的问题的,典型的拿来主义,但是我后来看到那么多师弟师妹被发表不了SCI而毕不了业所折磨着,也想到了我当年的焦虑!我想把我的经验无偿的拿出来,虽然不能说是很优秀的经验,但是我就是凭着这些经验发表了一篇又一篇的SCI,超额完成任务顺利毕业的,所以我个人觉得我的经验肯定是有可取之处!后续我也会不断完善这一系列的回答:怎么写Materials and Methods?怎么写Results & Discussion?

最后如果你需要论文润色服务的话,我推荐 @editage意得辑还是那句话:这只是来自于我单方面的推荐,强买强卖就没有意思了!如果你选择了@editage意得辑,你还可以享受额外的一个9折优惠,优惠码是:PROAMB90,记住字母一定要大写哦!不会用的可以看我这个教程:



SCI写作方法总述:研究生、博士生全程只靠自己能否发一篇 SCI?


引言(Introduction)写作技巧:怎样写好英文论文的 Introduction 部分?

材料与方法(Materials and Methods)写作技巧:如何写好SCI论文中的Materials and Methods(材料与方法)?

结果与讨论(Results and Discussion)写作技巧:


如何写好SCI论文中的Results & Discussion 部分?



SCI投稿流程:第一次投稿 SCI 论文,有哪些要注意的地方?




医学5.9分 SCI 二区期刊 录用

经济 三区 非OA SCI期刊录用






在这一部分,一定不要再次陈述你的结果。 你应该在这一部分为你的本次研究提供一个清晰的科学依据,然后适当的时候指出用途和扩展。此外,你可以建议未来的实验,并指出正在进行的实验。以及可以针对引言中提出的目标,提出当前的全局和具体结论。


  • 概括说明本研究的研究内容、结果及其意义
  • 使用方法,得出结论,结论有什么实用价值,有何创造性成果或见解,解决了什么实际问题,有何应用前景。
  • 存在缺陷与不足:哪些研究没有做,哪些研究可以做的更好等等

Conclusion 常用句式总结

This study set out to …
This paper has argued that …
This essay has discussed the reasons for …
In this investigation, the aim was to assess …
The aim of the present research was to examine …
The purpose of the current study was to determine …
The main goal of the current study was to determine …
This project was undertaken to design … and evaluate …
The present study was designed to determine the effect of …
The second aim of this study was to investigate the effects of …


This study has identified …
This study has shown that …
The research has also shown that …
The second major finding was that …
These experiments confirmed that …
X made no significant difference to …
This study has found that generally …
The investigation of X has shown that …
The results of this investigation show that …
X, Y and Z emerged as reliable predictors of …
Multiple regression analysis revealed that the …
The most obvious finding to emerge from this study is that …
The relevance of X is clearly supported by the current findings.
One of the more significant findings to emerge from this study is that …


In general, therefore, it seems that …
The results of this study indicate that …
These findings suggest that in general …
The findings of this study suggest that …
Taken together, these results suggest that …
An implication of this is the possibility that …
The evidence from this study suggests that …
Overall, this study strengthens the idea that …
The current data highlight the importance of …
The findings of this research provide insights for …
The results of this research support the idea that …
These data suggest that X can be achieved through …
The theoretical implications of these findings are unclear.
The principal theoretical implication of this study is that …
This study has raised important questions about the nature of …
The following conclusions can be drawn from the present study …
Taken together, these findings suggest a role for X in promoting Y.
The findings of this investigation complement those of earlier studies.
These findings have significant implications for the understanding of how …
Although this study focuses on X, the findings may well have a bearing on …


The findings will be of interest to …
This thesis has provided a deeper insight into …
The findings reported here shed new light on …
The study contributes to our understanding of …
These results add to the rapidly expanding field of …
The contribution of this study has been to confirm …
Before this study, evidence of X was purely anecdotal.
This project is the first comprehensive investigation of …
The insights gained from this study may be of assistance to …
This work contributes to existing knowledge of X by providing …
This is the largest study so far documenting a delayed onset of …
Prior to this study it was difficult to make predictions about how …
The analysis of X undertaken here, has extended our knowledge of …
The empirical findings in this study provide a new understanding of …
This paper contributes to recent historiographical debates concerning …
This approach will prove useful in expanding our understanding of how …
This new understanding should help to improve predictions of the impact of …
This is the first report on X from a nationally representative cohort of patients.
The methods used for this X may be applied to other Xs elsewhere in the world.
The X that we have identified therefore assists in our understanding of the role of …
This is the first study of substantial duration which examines associations between …
The findings from this study make several contributions to the current literature. First,…
These findings contribute in several ways to our understanding of X and provide a basis for …


A limitation of this study is that …
Being limited to X, this study lacks …
The small sample size did not allow …
The major limitation of this study is the …
This study was limited by the absence of …
X makes these findings less generalisable to …
Thirdly, the study did not evaluate the use of …
It is unfortunate that the study did not include …
The scope of this study was limited in terms of …
The study is limited by the lack of information on …
The most important limitation lies in the fact that …
The main weakness of this study was the paucity of …
Since the study was limited to X, it was not possible to ..
An additional uncontrolled factor is the possibility that …
It was not possible to assess X; therefore, it is unknown if …
An issue that was not addressed in this study was whether…
The generalisability of these results is subject to certain limitations. For instance, …
One source of weakness in this study which could have affected the measurements of X was …
Notwithstanding these limitations, the study suggests that …
Whilst this study did not confirm X, it did partially substantiate …
Despite its exploratory nature, this study offers some insight into …
In spite of its limitations, the study certainly adds to our understanding of the …
Notwithstanding the relatively limited sample, this work offers valuable insights into …
Although the current study is based on a small sample of participants, the findings suggest …
The question raised by this study is …
The study should be repeated using …
This would be a fruitful area for further work.
Several questions still remain to be answered.
A natural progression of this work is to analyse …
More research using controlled trials is needed to …
More broadly, research is also needed to determine …
A further study could assess the long-term effects of …
What is now needed is a cross-national study involving …
Considerably more work will need to be done to determine …
The precise mechanism of X in insects remains to be elucidated.
These findings provide the following insights for future research: …
Large randomised controlled trials could provide more definitive evidence.
This research has thrown up many questions in need of further investigation.
A greater focus on X could produce interesting findings that account more for …
The issue of X is an intriguing one which could be usefully explored in further research.
If the debate is to be moved forward, a better understanding of X needs to be developed.
I suggest that before X is introduced, a study similar to this one should be carried out on …
More information on X would help us to establish a greater degree of accuracy on this matter.

Other types of X could include: a), b). …
There is, therefore, a definite need for …
Greater efforts are needed to ensure …
Provision of X will enhance Y and reduce Z.
Another important practical implication is that …
Moreover, more X should be made available to …
The challenge now is to fabricate Xs that contain …
Unless governments adopt X, Y will not be attained.
These findings suggest several courses of action for …
A reasonable approach to tackle this issue could be to …
Continued efforts are needed to make X more accessible to …
The findings of this study have a number of practical implications.
There are a number of important changes which need to be made.
Management to enhance bumble-bee populations might involve …
This study suggests that X should be avoided by people who are prone to …
A key policy priority should therefore be to plan for the long-term care of …
This information can be used to develop targetted interventions aimed at …
Taken together, these findings do not support strong recommendations to …
Ensuring appropriate systems, services and support for X should be a priority for …
The findings of this study have a number of important implications for future practice.



在介绍Conclusion之前,小马建议大家复习一下上期干货提到的discussion和conclusion的区别, 这样能帮助你更清楚地掌握conclusion的写作内容和技巧。


1. 回应introduction,与之形成闭环,用简单的语言重述研究目的、研究主题、研究方法;

2. 回应研究问题,总结研究发现,阐述研究意义;

3. 反思研究缺陷,提出未来发展方向。





The purpose of the current study was to determine…

This thesis has provided a deeper insight into…


Future work is needed to fully understand the implications of…

Future modelling work will have to be conducted in order to determine…






  • 找出句中关键词,关键词一般是不能被替代的,但可以用新的句子来解释其内涵;
  • 使用同义词替换其他词;
  • 改变词性、搭配、语法、句子结构。



4.“there are no surprises in academic writing ”,不能在文章的结尾部分提出任何新观点哦!

其实,从introduction到conclusion,就是从general---specific---general的过程。具像化来说,类似一个柱子,上下都有广博的联系,中间是你的小小贡献(main body)。




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